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The importance of healthy early childhood development cannot be over emphasised. Everybody ought to recognize the importance of child care, the benefit of positively investing in this sector and giving it priority at the national level, and the need to allocate the required funding to do so.  Nigerian families especially the rural areas have limited awareness and knowledge of their pivotal role in child care and therefore, very often rely on care and educational institutions.  A positive start of life will help the children to grow properly and brings benefits, which is not to the child only, but also to the family and society at large by reinforcing the human capital, increasing the productive capacity and reducing public expenditure on education. Knowledge of proper care will help us to address all aspects of development challenges in the future.  Maternal and child health programs should include health, nutrition, stimulation and protection. This integrated approach is the best way to ensure good child growth and development.

A major component of our humanitarian activity is upholding the rights of the Less privileged. TAHSERI holds that every child should enjoy a comprehensive and integrated care that provides protection, survival and nurtures all aspects of their growth and development. This report is created to provide an overview of TAHSERI humanitarian program. It covers operations in 3 thematic areas of the organisation and focuses on programmes carried out in the month of March towards achieving her vision.

Highlights of the report

Advocacy to MDAs

Child and Adolescent health

Rapid Nutritional Assessment (CECED Project)

Click to download State March Report

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